Archived Project
Stormwater Post-Construction Requirements Update
The purpose of the Stormwater Post-Construction Requirements Update is to amend the Springfield Development Code and the Engineering Design Standards and Procedures Manual (EDSPM) to comply with the City’s requirements to regulate post-construction site runoff and minimize barriers to low impact development and green infrastructure under the City’s Municipal Seperate Storm Sewer System (MS4) Permit.
Project Overview
Springfield City Council
Ordinance 6464 was adopted by City Council at the November 6, 2023 City Council meeting. The ordinance is attached in the documents below and will take effect January 8, 2024.

Springfield City Council and Lane County Board of Commissioners
At a joint public hearing on November 6, 2023, the Springfield City Council and Lane County Board of Commissioners heard the staff presentation and opened the Public Hearing; no comments were received on the proposed stormwater code amendments. Councilors and Commissioners addressed their concerns and asked clarifying questions of staff and closed the public hearing. City Council adopted a motion for a final reading on November 20, 2023. The Lane County Board of Commissioners adopted a motion and set a final reading for December 12, 2023.

Springfield and Lane County Planning Commissions
The Springfield and Lane County Planning Commissions held a joint Work Session and Public Hearing on August 1, 2023 and continued the hearing to September 5, 2023.  The Commissioners unanimously passed the Order and Recommendation that was reviewed at joint work session and public hearing with the Lane County Board of Commissioners on November 6, 2023.

In accordance with the 1972 Federal Clean Water Act, the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) issued a permit to the City of Springfield called a Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) permit. The permit regulates pollution from stormwater released to surface water, including the McKenzie and Willamette Rivers.  The current MS4 permit characterizes Springfield’s stormwater drainage system, establishes goals, policy and implementation actions; and measures, reports, and adaptively manages the City’s water resources and stormwater runoff. The permit implements and enforces post-construction site runoff controls within the Springfield Urban Growth Boundary, including unannexed areas through an intergovernmental agreement with Lane County. The post-construction site runoff control program reduces discharge of pollutants and addresses stormwater runoff from new development and redevelopment. For general information on the City of Springfield’s approach to protecting clean water and managing the stormwater system, see Regulations for post-construction stormwater runoff are contained in the Springfield Development Code and the Engineering Design Standards and Procedures Manual (EDSPM). 
Project Purpose  
The purpose of the MS4 Post-Construction Requirements Update is to amend the Springfield Development Code to comply with Oregon DEQ’s requirements of the City, including requirements to regulate post-construction site runoff and minimize barriers to low impact development and green infrastructure under the City’s MS4 Permit. These amendments would allow and encourage the use of stormwater treatment facilities including swales, rain gardens, and pervious pavements and strengthen requirements that address stormwater quality issues and improve the quality of water in the City’s drinking water protection areas.  
The project objectives are to:  
  1. Review and update enforceable post-construction stormwater management requirements in ordinance or other regulatory mechanism that includes a site performance standard.   
  2. Review and update post-construction requirements for development and redevelopment, especially for project sites that create or replace 5,000 square feet or more of impervious area.  
  3. Review development code and remove barriers to low impact development and green infrastructure.  

Frequently Asked Questions? 
What does the MS4 Permit do? 
  • It meets the State and Federal water quality requirement and local water resource management objectives by establishing goals, policies, and implementation actions, and establishes a means for measuring, reporting, and adaptively managing the City’s water resources and stormwater runoff.  

What are some examples of municipal separate storm sewer systems (MS4)? 
  • Public stormwater refers to runoff from urban areas that flow to storm drains, gutters, ditches, swales, or a system of pipes that is managed by the City and eventually ends up in the McKenzie or Willamette Rivers. 

What kind of development will be impacted by this code update? 
  • The code amendments will apply to development applications that disturb one or more acres of land, or development that adds or replaces 5,000 square feet or more of impervious surfaces (I.e. hardscaped or paved areas). 

What will be required for development that is subject to this code? 
  • Onsite stormwater controls will need to either retain the first one-inch of rainfall on site, or propose a combination of on-site retention and water quality treatment to meet city standards.  Privately-owned and maintained stormwater facilities will also be required to implement ongoing operations and maintenance requirements after construction and occupancy. 
Project Timeline & Updates  
Below is a high-level timeline that shows the project’s intended phasing from June 2023 through February 2024. It represents the process and estimated timeline for review, feedback, and ultimate adoption of the Stormwater Post-Construction Requirements Update. 

Project Documents & Resources 
  • Community Involvement Strategy 
  • Project Timeline
  • Stormwater Management Plan 
  • MS4 Permit 
  • Wastewater versus Stormwater Infographic
  • Public Hearing Agenda Packet - City Council and Board of County Commissioners
  • Ordinance 6464
Meeting Recordings, Materials & Testimony 
The project scope and schedule provide opportunities for engagement that range from one-on-one communications and workshops with project staff to formal hearings.  
Project Contact Information 
City staff welcome all questions about the project. We are here to help you. Thank you! 
Project Manager 
Haley Campbell, Senior Planner 
Workshop: Stormwater Post-Construction Requirements Update, Springfield Oregon Development Code 2023
Haley Campbell
Senior Planner
Ordinance No. 6464 Stormwater Post-Construction Code Amendments 2023 ( 5.38 MB )
Lane County Ordinance for Stormwater Post-Construction Code Amendments 23-08 ( 6.07 MB )
Stormwater Management Plan ( 4.49 MB )
MS4 Permit ( 1.89 MB )
Wastewater versus Stormwater Infographic ( 2.54 MB )
Key Changes to the Development Code ( 0.16 MB )
Presentation Slides ( 2.52 MB )
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