Archived Project
Springfield Development Code Amendments: Annexations
These amendments will explore how to make the code more consistent with state law, including whether to continue to allow or expand instances when annexations would not require a public hearing. Changes will also clarify existing code to provide a straightforward initiation and review path for annexations.
Project Overview
On August 6, 2024 the Springfield Planning Commission issued an Order and Recommendation on the Annexation Code Amendments. The amendments then went to the Springfield City Council on October 21, 2024, for a public hearing. The hearing was closed, and Annexation Code Amendments to the Springfield Development Code were adopted on November 4, 2024 by the Springfield City Council.
This project amends the Annexation section of the Springfield Development Code (SDC) 5.7.100 in an effort to enable efficient, timely review that aligns with state law. These amendments will not change Springfield’s annexation policies.
All annexations are—and will continue to be―voluntary.
What is annexation?
Annexation is the process by which properties outside city limits become incorporated into the city and thus can receive city services. The Springfield City Council makes the decision whether to approve an annexation request. If approved, the UF-10 (urbanizable fringe) overlay zoning district no longer applies. For example, if your property is currently zoned R-1/UF-10, once annexed it will be zoned R-1.
Some service providers also change upon annexation. For example, if the annexation area is within a water supply district or rural fire district, the City will process a request to withdraw the annexing territory from the water district or fire district. If the property is not already within Willamalane Park and Recreation District’s service boundary, it will be annexed into the District at the same time the property is annexed into the City.
Why is part of the annexation section of the Springfield Development Code changing?
- Clarity for the public to prepare applications: Amend SDC 5.7.125 by restructuring the Initiation Method Requirements and Application Requirements so that an applicant may easily determine what documents must be submitted for the various application types (annexation in accordance with owner consent (ORS 222.125), triple majority (ORS 222.170(1)), or double majority (ORS 222.170(2)).
- Efficiency and timeliness for staff and officials to process applications and make a decision: The code amends to SDC 5.7.115 add a review process that does not require a public hearing for annexations processed using the owner consent provisions (ORS 222.125).
- Currently, a City Council public hearing is required with one narrow exception: “a single lot/parcel adjacent to the city limits and city services and not dividable by Partition or Subdivision.”
- Previous phases of the Development Code Update project reduced minimum lot sizes and allowed “middle housing.” The clause “not dividable by Partition or Subdivision” is now less applicable.
- State law does not require a public hearing for owner consent annexations. Changing Springfield's process as allowed under state law would reduce staff time and costs to process annexations of houses for which the septic system is no longer functional.
- Remove some definitions from SDC 5.7.113. Several terms are unnecessary to define or are redundant (i.e., defined in other areas of the Code). Therefore, several terms were removed.
- Clarify the review process for Annexations. The amendments move the Recommendation to City Council (SDC 5.7.135) and Appeals (SDC 5.7.165) standards to the Review process standards section in SDC 5.7.115.
The project objectives are to:
- Provide easy to understand code language presented in a clear and user-friendly format.
- Provide a straightforward initiation and review path for annexations.
- Enable efficient review of annexation applications, which includes a discussion on whether to continue to allow or expand instances when annexation would not require a public hearing.
Am I required to annex?
Annexations will still be voluntary: The City of Springfield will continue to annex properties only when the property owner(s) requests to be included within the city limits, and the proposed annexation will result in a boundary in which the minimum level of key urban facilities and services can be provided in an orderly, efficient, and timely manner. The City is not requiring you to annex your property.
Project Contact Information
City staff welcome all questions about the project. We are here to help you. Thank you!
Haley Campbell, Senior Planner
Haley Campbell
Senior Planner
Tue, Jul 2, 2024
Work Session with the Planning Commission
Wed, Jul 17, 2024
Workshops with the Public - July 2024
Workshops were held with the public on July 17 and 18, 2024. Please see the video below for the combined recordings from both presentations.
Tue, Aug 6, 2024
Public Hearing with the Planning Commission
A work session and public hearing was held with the Springfield Planning Commission on August 6, 2024, where an Order and Recommendation was issued (see the Resources tab). A link to the meeting materials/documents can be found here: https://springfieldoregonspeaks.org/items/462
August 6, 2024 Planning Commission Regular Session
( 45.33 MB )
Mon, Sep 16, 2024
Work Session with the City Council
A work session was held with the Springfield City Council on September 16, 2024. A recommendation was made by the Council to Staff. Staff will incorporate these amendments and discuss them at the public hearing on October 21, 2024.
September 16, 2024 City Council Work Session and Regular Session
( 4.49 MB )
Mon, Oct 21, 2024
Public Hearing with the City Council
A public hearing was held with the Springfield City Council on October 21, 2024. The hearing was closed, and the Second Reading/Adoption of Ordinance is scheduled for November 4, 2024.
October 21, 2024 City Council Work Session and Regular Session
Annexation Code Amendments Council Public Hearing 10-17-24
( 4.41 MB )
Mon, Nov 4, 2024
Adoption of Ordinance
The Annexation Code Amendments were adopted by Springfield City Council on November 4, 2024. A copy of the Ordinance can be found below.
Ordinance 6489 Annexation Code Amendments Springfield 11-4-24
( 3.22 MB )
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