Planning Commission Meeting
Work Session and CCI
Agenda item 1 of 4
Comprehensive Plan Map Clarification Project
Planning Commission will receive a project update from staff and will provide feedback on drafts of the property-specific Springfield Comprehensive Plan Map and on the potential adoption approach. This feedback will inform refinements and next steps as staff begin to prepare materials for the adoption process later this year. Information about the process to create the draft map, outreach, and next steps is included in the Briefing Memo in Attachment 1.
Agenda Item Summary: Comp Map Clarification Project
( 0.07 MB )
Attachment 1: Briefing Memo
( 0.78 MB )
Attachment 2: 2004 Metro Plan Diagram
( 2.3 MB )
Attachment 3: Advisory Body Membership
( 0.65 MB )
Attachment 4: Advisory Body Discussions Summary
( 1.07 MB )
Attachment 5: Draft Springfield Comp Plan Map
( 6.13 MB )
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